How to Influence Investors

In addition to the idea’s profitability and novelty, investors certainly like to work with an entrepreneur who leaves a good impression.

The first step in making a good impression on the investor is the principle of “reciprocity”. Doing something with grace and out of genuine interest will lead the receiving party to try to reciprocate, which could be a simple smile. The principle of reciprocity is a modern psychological method that can help investees influence investors. The second principle is conveying a sense of commitment and accountability. In addition to financial interests, investors are more likely to cooperate with investees whose projects or ideas give investors’ a responsibility. This sense of commitment can be spiritual, human, or even personal. The investee influences and makes a good impression on investors who are given responsibilities in projects (even without physical presence). The third and most important principle is empowerment. Feeling empowered by being with the entrepreneur or funding their idea influences investors. The empowerment of investors by their investment will be sustained by accompanying the entrepreneur to success. A closer examination of these factors, namely reciprocity, inspiring commitment, and empowerment shows that each complements the other, multiplying the entrepreneurs’ positive impression on investors.

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