Find Your Investment DNA

Each person has a unique fingerprint and DNA. Except medicine and biological science, every person in any field has a special habit or knowledge. It is as if people are born with that skill and have a non-academic awareness and untrained mastery of that field. Since the age of 4, Marie Curie (scientist) would go to her father’s laboratory and wonder at the winding tubes and chemical products. Since he was a teenager, Churchill (politician) used to speak to himself in front of the mirror. As a child, Ronaldo (footballer) would dream about winning the Ballon d’Or every night.

Look back at your childhood and adolescence and recollect the subjects that would entrance and stop time for you. People in specific fields have particular instincts and predictions. This is the person’s investment DNA. Find that field and learn more about it, expand your instinct, and use that information to own that field. Back when I was a child, I loved writing and reading books and multiple magazines every month, but I was still thirsty for more magazines. Later, I realized I was interested in journalism, and discovered my inner attraction to financial markets after seeing stock market halls and the towers of the world’s renowned banks. Presently, I’m proud to introduce myself as a banking and financial analyst and an economics journalist, both of which I have been interested in since childhood and adolescence. In Hinduism, this is called Dharma.

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