In the United Kingdom, the bicycle industry has a long history. Since the nineteenth century, many people have used bicycles as a mode of transportation. However, a lack of attention to this industry resulted in a decline in the craft and a decrease in the share of the British Cycling brand in the international market. The situation has even had an impact on professional sports activities in this field. Since 1908, the United Kingdom had only won one gold medal in bicycling. British Cycling hired Bave Brailsor as its Managing Director in 2003. He altered the course of this industry by reinvesting in the redesign of bicycle seats and the use of alcohol to lubricate the gears.
He also created outfits for cyclists that use electricity to heat their bodies. The investments resulted in a significant increase in British Cycling brand sales and revitalized the brand. After 110 years, this successful channeling of funds was able to improve the UK’s bicycle industry. Five years later, British cyclists won indoor and outdoor bicycling medals at the Olympic Games in Beijing, and four years later, they broke nine Olympic records and set seven global records. In the years 2015-2017, the National British Bicycling Team won five victories in the most prestigious world competition, the Tour de France. These accomplishments are largely due to the successful investments made by this organization’s new managing director.